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Getting started

Fantomas has a fairly straightforward setup.

Recommended workflow

We recommend the following overall workflow when developing for this repository:

Before updating your fork, run this command:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/fsprojects/fantomas.git

This will make management of multiple forks and your own work easier over time.

Updating your fork

We recommend the following commands to update your fork:

git checkout main
git clean -xdf
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main
git push

Or more succinctly:

git checkout main && git clean -xdf && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/main && git push

This will update your fork with the latest from fsprojects/fantomas on your machine and push those updates to your remote fork.

dotnet SDK

Please download the correct dotnet SDK, according to our global.json file.

Initial build

After cloning the repository, you should restore the local dotnet tools and the solution:

dotnet tool restore
dotnet restore

The restore of project Fantomas.FCS (via the solution restore) will download the F# compiler source code.

Afterwards, you can run the default build script. This will build the solution, run all unit tests and do everything that the CI build does.

dotnet fsi build.fsx

Alternately, you can also run some other pipelines using -p. Examples:

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